The highest level of respect (good text in depth)

The highest level of respect (good text in depth)

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

what is respect?

some people say that respect is rooted in inner self-cultivation, self-consciousness without reminding, and kindness for the sake of others.

respect is not only a kind of politeness, but also self-cultivation.

when you are alive, you need to respect and respect others in order to excel and respect yourself and win the respect of others.


the most taboo thing about being a person is having too much sense of identity

Zhuge Liang once said, "Don't be a bitch by your wealth, and don't disobey others with your own opinions."

the main idea is not to be arrogant because you are in a high position, and not to turn a deaf ear to other people's opinions because of your unique ideas.

the more you rely on your identity, the more you feel superior, the less respected you are.

once there was an arrogant university professor who sent works to the publishing house and occupied most of the cover just by introducing his title.

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half a month later, he, who had not yet received a reply, sent a letter urging him again, but he only received eight big words from the publisher: "if you are not good enough, you can't use it." there are many of his titles on the cover.

as the saying goes, "one bottle is dissatisfied, half a bottle is sloshing."

the more truly talented and knowledgeable people are, the more modest they are, and only the shallow and ignorant people will show off everywhere.

but those who are really good never have any sense of identity.

during World War II, a picture of the King of England visiting the slums was widely circulated. He knocked politely on the door and asked, "May I come in?"

his move moved everyone, and the people in the slums could not help but marvel at the sight of the king.

the most valuable thing about a person is that he can always be humble to others no matter how high he is.

even above people, you can keep a low profile, and even under people, you are still neither humble nor arrogant.

having no sense of identity is the greatest upbringing of being a man.


excellent people know how to respect others

there is a folk saying: "Yan Wang is easy to see, but imps are difficult to deal with."

the higher the level of people, the more respect for others, on the contrary, the lower level of people, the higher the attitude.

Matsushita Konosuke, founder of the famous Panasonic brand in Japan, once took his colleagues to eat a famous steak, which he ate with relish, but there was a lot left on his plate.

before leaving, he specially invited the chef to come out. The chef looked at most of the remaining steaks and asked nervously, "is the steak not to your taste?"

Matsushita Konosuke smiled and said, "your steak is really delicious, but I'm sorry, I'm a little sick in my stomach today, so I can't have a good meal."

A simple sentence gives the chef enough respect and recognition, how can such a person not be loved?

people who really know how to respect others, no matter where they are, will put themselves in the shoes of others.

in their minds, everyone is equal, and they will not suppress others to show off themselves, let alone hurt the dignity of others by showing off their identity.

as the saying goes, "those who love others will always love them; those who respect others will always respect them."

those who are really excellent all know how to respect others, and those who respect others will always deserve the respect of others.


respect is always mutual

the famous philosopher Descartes once said, "only by respecting others can you let others respect."

respect is always mutual. What you do to others is what they will do to you.

in history, in the State of Qi during the Northern and Southern dynasties, there was a man of Lu Xiaohui who was friendly, talented and respectful to anyone.

even if ordinary people come to visit, he will treat them politely, and when the guests leave, he will deliver them in person.

when his colleagues saw what he was doing, they could not help complaining, "you are in a high position, and the loss outweighs the gain. Why bother?"

Lu Xiaohui replied with a smile, "if you want to take it, you must give it first. If I want to get the respect of others, I must first respect others."

because of this, he has won the support and respect of many people in his life, and his political achievements have far exceeded those of others.

in this life, those who know how to build bridges for others will also pave the way for them.

on the road of life, only by helping each other and respecting each other can we go higher and further.

respect  respect is a mirror. What you do to the person in the mirror is what he will do to you.

if you are mean, he will sneer; if you are arrogant, he will be high above, life in the world, respect for others, is equal to respect for yourself.

as the saying goes, "those who come out of love love to return, and those who are blessed come back."

as a man, only by knowing how to respect others, can good luck come naturally, and there must be everyone to help!